
If you enjoy Diggbarred, or any of my other WordPress plugins, please [consider a donation][donate].

[donate]: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4679643 “Donate”

Diggbarred is a WordPress plugin which, when activated, blocks all DiggBar activity on your web site. URLs using the DiggBar will instead display a message of your choosing. It’s functionality is derived mostly from the Daring Fireball post, “[How to Block the DiggBar][df].”

You can see an [example of Diggbarred in action right here][example].

[example]: http://digg.com/u1gsF “an Example of Diggbarred”

This plugin is developed in collaboration with [Shawn Medero][shawn].

[shawn]: http://shawn.medero.net “Shawn Medero”

## Downloading

The newest, stable, release (1.61) can be [downloaded here][dl].

[dl]: http://github.com/philnelson/diggbarred/zipball/master “Download Diggbarred”

The code is [hosted on GitHub][git], and stable releases will be on WordPress.com.

[df]: http://daringfireball.net/2009/04/how_to_block_the_diggbar “How to Block The DiggBar”
[git]: http://github.com/philnelson/diggbarred/tree/master “Diggbarred on Github”