Day: April 13, 2010

  • On2’s VP8 Page

    [A demo or two, and some more information on a codec we’ll be hearing a lot about for awhile][link]. They’ve got some big claims on [decode speed][decode], and say that they’ve paid special attention to the ARM processor- the same processor used in the iPhone. While that’s nice, I wouldn’t hold my breath for software…

  • StarCraft Cheating Scandal Rocks South Korea

    [Some of the most famous players in the country have been shamed into retiring][link]. In some circles it is being compared to the [Black Sox sandal][sox]. [link]: “StarCraft Cheating Scandal Rocks South Korea” [sox]: “Black Sox Scandal”

  • Google to Open-source VP8 for HTML5 Video

    [Simultaneously taking Ogg out back and putting one it’s ear][link] and making the streaming video wars much more interesting. [Gruber’s questions][grub] are my own: Will Apple or Microsoft support VP8? And will Google support it at YouTube? [link]: “Google to Open-source VP8 for HTML5 Video” [grub]: “Daring Fireball”