Day: August 10, 2012

  • node-etsy, An Etsy API Library for Node.js

    [Something I needed for a little project of mine.][link] I’ve been thinking a lot about how insanely good node.js is for doing simple tasks that I’d normally use a webserver (Apache) running a scripting language (PHP) and interfacing with an enterprise database (MySQL). If your server has to handle one, or even a handful of…

  • Patricio Palladino Demonstrates Non-Alphanumeric Javascript

    [This is some head-screwing, eyeball-hurting mojo.][link] The tl;dr: >”I just made a tool to transform any javascript code into an equivalent sequence of ()[]{}!+ characters. You can try it [here][demo], or grab it from [github][git] or [npm][npm]. Keep on reading if you want to know how it works.” [link]: “Brainfuck beware: JavaScript is after…