Year: 2012

  • Harry Roberts on CSS selector intent

    [Had me shaking my head in agreement on every single point.][link] Bad / inefficient CSS selectors written by people who don’t know any better are the bane of my very existence right now. Education can only help everyone. [link]: “Shoot to kill; CSS selector intent — CSS Wizardry—CSS, Web Standards, Typography, and Grids by…

  • Symbolset

    [A font made up of symbols and glyphs useful for desktop or mobile web development.][link] Symbolset gives you access to lots of commonly-used symbols which would normally be images, decreasing the page load time and number of requests needed to display your page. [link]: “Symbolset”

  • Open Source Game Console OUYA on Kickstarter

    [Raising a pretty impressive (approx) $1k per minute right now, getting close to 1/4 of their $950,000 goal with 29 days left to go][link]. That the console is Android-based gives me pause, because… Android, but at the same time, something needs to shake up the home console scene and this might be it. [link]:…

  • RogueBasin’s Roguelike Tutorial for Lua

    [Looks like a really neat little guide for getting started making a Roguelike game][link]. Lua’s a very efficient scripting engine and interfaces with C, so it’s well-known and well-used in the video games industry. [link]:,_using_Lua+libtcod “New Roguelike Tutorial, using Lua+libtcod – RogueBasin”

  • “Could The World’s Fastest Shoe Really Have Come From A Printer?”

    [Fast Company][link]: >The process allows Fusaro to take 3-D scans of a runner’s foot, use digital tools to cater the stiffness of the soles to the athlete’s physical abilities, then print the shoes out of nylon polyamide powder, a material that is “one of the strongest in the range of additive manufacturing,” Fusaro says Uses…

  • Personalized Vietnam Zippo Lighters

    [Design Observer has this crazy photo gallery of soldiers personalized Zippo lighters][link] from Vietnam. Chilling, funny, and sad. [link]: “Accidental Mysteries: 06.24.12: Vietnam Zippo Lighters: Observatory: Design Observer”

  • CERN Physicists May Have Discovered Higgs Boson Particle

    [I’ll just leave this here for when the universe implodes.][link] [link]: “CERN Physicists May Have Discovered Higgs Boson Particle –”

  • Source Filmmaker

    [Valve releases the tool they’ve used to create every Meet The Team short for TF2, and it looks incredible.][link] To wit: What could be the single greatest step forward for machinima… ever, is released for free as a side product because Valve wants to see what you make with it. [link]: “Source Filmmaker”

  • LouisCK Selling Tour Tickets Directly From His Website

    [Cutting out the middle-man and going fan direct for his next tour.][link] He says they will be actively looking for and straight-up *deactivating* scalped tickets. The scalping idea is interesting, but it seems like the potential for a big PR disaster is there. Unless they plan on investigating every suspected scalped ticket, anyway. [link]:…

  • The Pokayoke Guide to Developing Software

    [What Aaron Swartz called “All the good ideas I’ve heard in one place,”][link] and it is chock full of them. Required reading for anyone who builds software, hires people who do, or manages them. Much of the advice can be applied to just about any profession, though. [link]: “The Pokayoke Guide to Developing Software”


    [The new album from WEEP][link], my favorite new band of the last several years. Can’t wait. Did I mention WEEP is fronted by Doc Hammer, co-creator of The Venture Bros? IT IS. [link]: “Projekt: darkwave – WEEP: Alate PRE-ORDER”

  • Under Tomorrows Sky on USTREAM

    [A live think tank][link] featuring Warren Ellis, Bruce Sterling, and others. Happening right now, some good background noise for your Saturday morning depravity. [link]: “Under Tomorrows Sky on USTREAM: UNDER TOMORROWS SKY IS A PROJECT BY LIAM YOUNG OF TOMORROWS THOUGHTS TODAY AT MU ART SPACE, EINDHOVEN AND IN COLLABORATION …”