Year: 2013

  • Grimwire: A RESTful Browser OS that does Peer-to-peer over WebRTC

    [That’s a lot of acronyms, and I’m not entirely sure what makes this special yet but boy it sounds impressive.][link] [link]: “”

  • Anonymous takes control of North Korea’s Twitter and Flickr accounts, defaces websites

    [Expect them.][link] [link]: “Anonymous takes control of North Korea’s Twitter and Flickr accounts, defaces websites – The Next Web”

  • Mozilla and Samsung Collaborate on Next Generation Web Browser Engine

    [I’d like nothing more than to see this succeed][link], and I agree with John Gruber’s [simple assessment][df]: >It would be a win for everyone if Servo did to WebKit what WebKit did to Gecko. I will, however, be very disappointed if the logo doesn’t somehow evoke the image of Tom Servo from MST3k. [link]:…

  • Oryx Design Lab

    The creator of the [previously-linked][prev] (and awesome) lo-fi fantasy tile set [has opened a store for making / selling licenses for new ones][link]. I applaud this. Make money on your art. [link]: “Sprites — Oryx Design Lab” [prev]: “Oryx’s 8-bit fantasy tiles”

  • This is the code Comcast is injecting into its users web traffic.

    [If you’re a Comcast user, every web page you visit has this Comcast tracking code injected into it.][link] Man, Comcast writes really shitty Javascript. [link]: “This is the code Comcast is injecting into its users web traffic.”

  • Videogame Music Preservation Foundation Wiki

    [I’m not sure how I haven’t linked to this before, but here it is now. This needs to exist and I’m so glad it does.][link] [link]: “Videogame Music Preservation Foundation Wiki”


    [The only good weather website I’ve ever seen in my life.][link] They deserve a medal. [link]:,-117.3000 “Forecast”

  • Noisebridge will close down in July UNLESS YOU READ ALL OF THIS EMAIL

    [Noisebridge][wiki] is probably the most well-known and completely insane hackerspace in America. Not even the inmates run the asylum, and it is *amazing*. Everyone from vector math geniuses to government spooks hang out there. For free. [Now they need some help.][link] I gave ’em my $10. [Pledge yourself.][pledge] [link]: “[Noisebridge-discuss] Panic! Noisebridge will close…

  • Defend the Open Web: Keep DRM Out of W3C Standards

    [The EFF is on the right side of this one, if there was any doubt:][link] >All too often, technology companies have raced against each other to build restrictive tangleware that suits Hollywood’s whims, selling out their users in the process. But open Web standards are an antidote to that dynamic, and it would be a…

  • Most Of My Friends Are Batshit Crazy

    … [and bless them for it.][link] (via [Mathew Kumar][math]) [link]: “Photo by mathewkumar • Instagram” [math]: “Mathew on Twitter”

  • DuckTales Remastered announced by Capcom

    >[DuckTales Remastered is in development at WayForward Technologies, Capcom announced today during its “World of Capcom” panel at PAX East 2013.][link] > >It will launch this summer for $14.99 on PlayStation Network, 1200 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live Arcade and $15 on the Wii U eShop. DuckTales is a beloved NES game from an era…

  • Pure Folly, Miss Poly(gon)

    [Games journalism, punk rock, and SimCity:][link] >It seems like people—for some reason—were waiting on Polygon to call the industry out on its crap. Polygon, that Microsoft-sponsored, humourless, 70s prog rock supergroup of games journalism. Expecting any kind of populist uproar from Polygon is like expecting One Direction to vilify the X Factor culture that spawned…