Hacker Behind Massive Ransomware Outbreak Can’t Get Emails from Victims Who Paid

A very modern situation: [Company does spin control without considering the ramifications, ends up screwing over the already victimized][link2]:

A German email provider has closed the account of a hacker behind the new ransomware outbreak, meaning victims can’t get decryption keys.

The exploit, unofficially named Petya, [uses the same vector as WannaCry][link].

[link2]: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/new8xw/hacker-behind-massive-ransomware-outbreak-cant-get-emails-from-victims-who-paid “Hacker Behind Massive Ransomware Outbreak Can’t Get Emails from Victims Who Paid – Motherboard”

[link]: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/qv4gx5/a-ransomware-outbreak-is-infecting-computers-across-the-world-right-now “A Ransomware Outbreak Is Infecting Computers Across the World Right Now”