A List Apart going ad-free, patron-supported

ALA was instrumental to my start in this business. I both bless and curse them for this. [Here’s the Patreon.][pat] It’s a move I am fully in favor of. Death to ads.

>[We’re getting rid of advertisers][link] and digging back to our roots: community-based, community-built, and determinedly non-commercial. If you want to highlight local events or innovations, expand your skills, give back, or explore any other goal or idea, we’re here to support you with networking and backing from the community.

[link]: https://alistapart.com/article/new-a-list-apart-wants-you “New A List Apart wants you! · An A List Apart Article”

[pat]: https://www.patreon.com/alistapart/posts “A List Apart Patreon”