Tag: coffee

  • Warren Ellis Recieves A Case of THE BLACK BLOOD OF THE EARTH

    The nature-defying science coffee mentioned [previously on Extra Future][prev] is now for sale, and [Warren will surely wind up in hospital later today][link]. My jealously is palpable. [link]: http://www.warrenellis.com/?p=11156 “Warren Ellis » received goods 22nov10” [prev]: http://extrafuture.com/2010/03/08/funranium-labs-experiments-in-coffee/ “Funranium Labs’ Experiments In Coffee”

  • Funranium Labs’ Experiments in Coffee

    >[At some point, all of us start wondering how much coffee we can drink before our hearts explode.][link] and with that, begins the journey. I am constitutionally incapable of seeing a coffee called “The Black Blood of the Earth” and not purchasing it. [link]: http://www.funranium.com/BBotE.html “Funranium Labs – Coffee Science”