Tag: photoshop

  • Layer Comps in Photoshop

    [Neven Mrgan just blew my mind][link]: >Layer comps is a panel—found in the Window menu—which helps you organize different versions of a designs or different views of it in the same file. If you are a responsible digital citizen at all, you probably have some sort of system for keeping around alternate elements and various…

  • GuideGuide

    >[“Photoshop grids that don’t suck so hard.”][link] Sounds about right. [link]: http://www.guideguide.me/ “GuideGuide”

  • FingerCursor

    [A transparent background image of the “finger” cursor for Mac and PC.][link] [link]: http://fingercursor.com/ “FingerCursor.com – Get a transparent image of the finger cursor.”

  • Acorn 2.5

    [Every update to Acorn, dubbed “The Image Editor for Humans”][link] , has me spending less time in Photoshop. [link]: http://flyingmeat.com/acorn/ “Acorn, the image editor for humans.”