Tag: posters

  • Film the Blanks

    >An ongoing experiment to abstract and/or reduce film posters. Some famous, some not so famous but all cool in their own way. [I’m a sucker for this kind of thing][link]. You can [buy prints][prints], too. [link]: http://filmtheblanks.com/ “Film the Blanks” [prints]: http://www.blanka.co.uk/Art/John_Taylor/Film_the_blanks_1/Spared_no_expense “Buy prints”

  • Hidden posters of Notting Hill Gate Tube station

    [A photoset of beautiful posters from the 50s][link], located in an inccessible area of the station since your parents were young. [link]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/36844288@N00/sets/72157624079183751/ “Hidden posters of Notting Hill Gate Tube station, 2010 – a set on Flickr”

  • Minimalist Citizen Kane Poster

    [Created by yours truly (view)][link] in about 40 minutes, using [sketchy clipart from here][clipart]. It is not as… minimal as the others, but I think it captures the film pretty well. It may work just as well with only the rose, or only the title. The snow says a lot. I think it would look…