Tag: web fonts

  • Font Squirrel’s List of Fonts Licensed For @font-face Use

    [With downloadable kits containing EOT, SVG, WOFF, and TTF versions, Cufon versions and a stylesheet with the @font-face rules for easy @import-ing][link]. This is drop-in simple. What more can you ask for? Maybe a slightly better browsing interface, but other than that? [link]: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fontface “Font Squirrel | Download Hundreds of Free @font-face Fonts”

  • Tal Leming on Embedded Web Fonts

    A rare take on embedded web fonts from someone who actually makes fonts and sells them for a living. He suggests a DRM system using a “root table” that says what fonts can be used on what domains, but then says this: >There is nothing that can be done about this. All we can do…