Day: May 14, 2009

  • Twitter Replies to #fixreplies

    [This is maybe the fourth response that Biz has had to write, and it’s the only good one][link]. The gist: Twitter screwed up and removed a feature that a lot of hardcore users loved. When they “fixed” it, [the explanation][expl] of HOW they fixed it made almost no sense to anyone. Now they’re fixing it…

  • Email ‘N Walk

    [It uses the iPhone camera to show you what is front of you while you walk and tap out an email][link]. This will sell one-million copies. [link]: “iPhone users to walk and read at same time • The Register”

  • Pretend Office

    [Phil Gyford and some of his freelancer friends were lamenting the absense of some “normal office” actives in their lives][link]… >And a weird thing happened. > >With no planning, we all started acting as if we were people in a real office. Almost immediately we began to adopt characters and send officious announcements. Soon we…