Year: 2009

  • Price of The One True Google Phone?

    [According to this][link]: “$199 unlocked in stores. $100 rebate online if you have an active and old Google account.” Sounds like the gloves are off. [link]: “Reuters: Nexus One Available Directly Through Google Website January 5 | AndroidGuys”

  • The Survey, 2009

    [A List Apart’s 2009 web worker survey][link] is up. It’s the closest thing we have to a census. [link]: “A List Apart: Articles: The Survey, 2009”

  • Batman: The Animated Series Writer’s Bible

    [Brought you by the magic of the internet (PDF)][link]. Of personal interest to me: > NO STORIES ABOUT BATMAN’S ORIGIN If only Hollywood would’ve listened. The document itself is full of reasons why Batman: TAS is still the best Batman-related media outside of the comics-sphere, but the above rings truest to me. [link]: “Batman:…

  • Jason Louv: Is 4chan the Future of Human Consciousness?

    [He seems to think so][link], and it’s hard to argue with points like this: >Yet what the media has failed to grasp is what 4chan can tell us about where we’re headed. The Chans aren’t the freak sideshow of the Internet. They are the *heart and soul* of the Internet. via [Waxy][waxy] [link]: “Lost…

  • The Extra Future T-Shirt

    [Buy one today.][link] Available in light blue or asphalt for a limited time only: One amazingly comfy t-shirt, one awesome logo, at the cost of $22. [link]: “Shirts by Extra Future”

  • My Entry For The TIGSource Assemblee Competition

    … is called [Pies & Problems][forum], and it was inspired by Monte Cook’s “[The World’s Shortest (Yet Technically Complete) Adventure][short]”. You can [follow development in this forum thread][forum] or [grab the code from github][git] as your leisure. It is written in Love2d, which is lua-based. I have no idea what I’m doing. [forum]: “Pies…

  • Bad JooJoo

    Sounds like a racial epithet in multiple ways, birthed from a massive controversy on one of the most hated/read tech blogs on the planet, costing $500 with unproven software and hardware from a company nobody’d ever heard of until Michael Arrington started yelling “rip off”. [Good luck, I guess.][link] [link]: “Fusion Garage’s Joojoo (AKA…

  • Google DNS Will Probably Be Fine, Guys

    I have a feeling [Kottke’s analysis][kottke] is pretty spot-on: every tenth of a second longer a site takes to load, Google is losing revenue from ads. That might seem nuts to you or I, but Google isn’t exactly in the same ballpark, scale-wise, the stuff you and I work on: >Half a second delay caused…

  • Tim Quirk: “My Hilarious Warner Bros. Royalty Statement”

    [This is super interesting for a music industry outsider like myself][link], but the central question he asks applies to everyone who likes music: Are the labels just dumb, or are they actually hiding (potentially lots of) money from artists by using old, busted, opaque, accounting practices? Or both? [link]: “Too Much Joy» Blog Archive…

  • “Google waving goodbye to Gears, hello to HTML5”

    [In other words, full-steam ahead for Chrome and HTML5,][link], and I’m glad. [link]: “Whats powering Web apps: Google waving goodbye to Gears, hello to HTML5 [Updated] | Technology | Los Angeles Times”

  • Patton Oswalt Parodies The Room / Tommy Wiseau

    [Do you have monies from things you should not have done to get the monies that you have now?][link] At about the 2:00 mark your mind will be blown to bits by SYNERGY. [link]: “YouTube – Patton Oswalt – The Room Parody”

  • Nikon Camera Shaped Like A Gun

    [This thing][link] would at least give the public nannies something to get a [terrorist-based erection][erec] over. [link]: “I dare you to use this Nikon on your next photography in public adventure « Nikon Rumors Forum” [erec]: “BBC photographer prevented from shooting St Paul’s because he might be al Quaeda operative”