Month: February 2010

  • LESS CSS Plugin for Coda

    [Makes it considerably more possible for me to use LESS in upcoming projects][link]. [link]: “LESS CSS Plugin for Coda — Use LESS CSS With Coda”

  • Vector Social Media Icons

    [Vector versions of every major social media site][link]. Useful and free. [link]: “Vector Social Media Icons”

  • The FBI Wants Your ISP To Spy On You

    … [and keep your web history logged for up to 2 years][link]. Land of the free, eh? What’s almost as troubling as the privacy implications is the fact that the FBI apparently doesn’t even know what exactly they want to the ISP to store, yet. The FBI just feels like they should be allowed to…

  • South Carolina “Subversives” Must Now Pay $5 Fee

    [This is, apparently, not a joke][link]. They actually expect people who are planning to overthrow the US Government to register with them, and pay $5 for the privilege of filling out a form that explains their plans. Somewhere, Kurt Vonnegut can’t believe this shit. [link]: “No joke: South Carolina now requires ’subversives’ to register…

  • Jesper On Staying “Above Execution”

    [The Universal Approach][link]: >… this pattern is evidently sane, well-tested and produces good results: talk to people. Figure out what they want. Don’t rely on them telling you what they want, and don’t rely on you knowing what they want. Figure out a way to separate what they want from how they want it, which…

  • Megaman II’s Intro Animation In HTML

    Created by yours truly. No Flash, just CSS, HTML5, and jQuery. The animation is very not smooth in Firefox, but works great in Safari and Chrome. [You can check it out here.][link] [link]: “Megaman II Intro” Using the scrollbar to bring the view upward was a stylistic choice, it could’ve just as (if not…

  • Microsoft Responds to Dick Brass’ NYT Op-Ed

    … [and it’s hard to imagine how they could’ve done a worse job][link]. As [Gruber notes][gruber], not only was there no reason to respond, but they don’t even engage the [original article][original] in a meaningful way. Microsoft’s reply is the equivalent of saying “Well, yeah, but… look over there at this other thing.” but with…

  • MPEGLA Announces H.264 To Remain Royalty-Free (For Free Content) Until 2016

    [This is a good thing][link], for now, but licensing-wise H.264 is actually probably *worse* than Flash. It works great with a hardware decoder, but why should I trust the MPEGLA to not pull the rug out from under the internet in 6 years? Of note: The 2016 deadline only applies to “Internet Video that is…

  • HipHop for PHP

    [What appears to be a PHP/C++ cross-compiler][link]. This could be some serious mojo for PHP. That name is awful, though. [link]: “Facebook Developers | HipHop for PHP: Move Fast”

  • Jeffrey Zeldman on Flash, the iPad, and Standards

    [You can always count on Zeldman to say things like][link] >As the percentage of web users on non-Flash-capable platforms grows, developers who currently create Flash experiences with no fallbacks will have to rethink their strategy and start with the basics before adding a Flash layer. They will need to ensure that content and experience are…

  • New(!) Bill Watterson Interview

    [A rare interview with the reclusive artist/author][link]. I adored Calvin & Hobbes as a child, and having re-read some recently, I am confident my love was well-placed. [link]: “Bill Watterson, creator of beloved ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ comic strip looks back with no regrets | Living – – –”

  • “Why are you so terribly disappointing?”

    [Mark Morford for SFGate][link]: >Big f–ing deal. We just do not care. It’s all a big disappointment. Hey, I was expecting to be blown away. I was expecting miracles and transformations and multiple twitching orgasms on sight. Do not come at me with tantalizing promises only to reveal that you can fulfill most of them…