Month: August 2010

  • Elements, a Dropbox powered text editor for iOS

    [An extremely slick-looking text editor][link] a bit lacking in features, but cloud storage using the indispensable Dropbox is a big plus. [link]: “Elements — Dropbox powered text editor for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch from Second Gear”

  • Another Brilliant Adobe Interface

    [This is what comes up when I double-click the Fireworks uninstaller.][link] It’s like these applications were designed by angry, angry, monks. [link]: “Screenshot on Flickr”

  • Vimeo Releases Embeddable HTML5 Video Player

    [Another shot across the bow of Flash][link]. Vimeo embeds will use the HTML5 player automatically in browsers that support the codecs involved. [link]: “Vimeo Releases Embeddable HTML5 Video Player”

  • Google, Verizon, Net Neutrality, and iTunes Cloud

    **Google**: Makes money by selling ads. Has a [smartphone OS][android] that helps them sell ads on search results, apps, etc. Upset with Apple’s foray into advertising. Starting to feel the pinch of a possible iPhone for Verizon, their most visible Android partner. [android]: “Android” **Verizon**: Makes money by selling bits. Sells dozens of phones…

  • “Wireless is Different”

    [Wireless isn’t different, AT&T][link]. It just suits your business model that it be treated differently. It’s enough to clog your bullshit filter. With bullshit. [link]: “Wireless is Different | AT&T Public Policy Blog”

  • Voogle Wireless

    [Google’s 2006 PSA for net neutrality underscores the severity of their about-face this week.][link] Is there any way Google can still claim this isn’t about money? Credibly? [link]: “Voogle Wireless”

  • onprogress

    [My good friend Shawn Medero’s new blog][link], which is a conversationally-toned look at the latest web browser development trends, issues, and a wee bit of futurecasting. Worth monitoring if you build websites or just need to look into the sausage factory every now and again. [link]: “ | fetching the latest in web browser…

  • Drew Thaler’s JavaScript Blacklist

    [A Safari 5 extension that blocks javascript][link] from noise merchants like [tynt][tynt], intellitxt, and It can be easily configured to block from other domains, too. (via [Daring Fireball][df]) [link]: “JavaScript Blacklist” [tynt]: “Daring Fireball on Tynt” [df]: “Original post on Daring Fireball”

  • Why Google Became A Carrier-Humping, Net Neutrality Surrender Monkey

    [Ryan Singel for Wired:][link] >Compare Monday’s statement to this one, from a post on Google’s official blog in 2007: “The nation’s spectrum airwaves are not the birthright of any one company. They are a unique and valuable public resource that belong to all Americans. The FCC’s auction rules are designed to allow U.S. consumers —…

  • HTML5 Boilerplate

    [Another “HTML5” (with some new Javascript and new CSS rules) starting point.][link] [link]: “HTML5 Boilerplate – A rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome.”

  • The EFF Reviews Verizon and Google’s Net Neutrality Proposal

    [Mostly the same as what has been going around][link], but this time covered in the candy shell of an actual lawyer’s thoughts. [link]: “A Review of Verizon and Google’s Net Neutrality Proposal | Electronic Frontier Foundation”

  • Man Lives In Futuristic Sci-Fi World Where All His Interactions Take Place In Cyberspace

    [The Onion][link]: >Though his high-tech, cybertronic existence may appear overwhelming to the rest of us, it is the only way this weary wanderer of circuits and space knows how to live. And until the day our world catches up with his, Royce will be out there on the virtual nexus, searching. [link]:,17858/ “Man Lives…