Year: 2013

  • How GitHub Uses “Deprivation Testing” To Hone Product Design

    [The psychology here is interesting to me.][link] [link]: “How GitHub Uses "Deprivation Testing" To Hone Product Design ⚙ Co.Labs ⚙ code + community”

  • Gameboy Advance Emulator for iOS

    [No jailbreak required, compiles and deploys in Xcode like any normal app.][link] [link]: “rileytestut/GBA4iOS”

  • The Open Bundle

    [CC-licensed art and music for videos games from independent creators.][link] If they reach their funding goal they’re making all of the assets public domain. I absolutely love this idea. Get paid for your work and then move on to something else, leaving it for anyone who wants it. [link]: “The Open Bundle”

  • Plug: the brain of your devices

    Trying really hard not to turn the ‘ol site here into Phil Links Kickstarter Projects All Day but I can’t help myself [with this one][link]. Plug is a little USB dongle that plugs into your network and shares content across all of your devices, sort of like having a personal Dropbox for your house. [link]:…

  • ArchiveTeam needs OPMLs and feed URLs to grab cached data from Google Reader

    [If you used Google Reader and got an archive of your feeds, why not pitch in and help out ArchiveTeam?][link] via ([@waxpancake][waxy]) [link]: “ArchiveTeam needs OPMLs and feed URLs to grab cached data from Google Reader” [waxy]: “Andy Baio on Twitter”

  • Packer

    >[Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.][link] Sounds useful for the system admins and hacker types out there. [link]: “Packer”

  • Warner Bros: Pirates Show Us What Consumers Want

    [Hey guess what, Warner Bros?][link] Pirates show you what consumers want because *they are consumers*. They just don’t consume in the way you want them to. The most interesting thing about this article is that WB admits to selectively enforcing copyright based on how beneficial it is to them from an analytics standpoint. Which means…

  • Learn Lua in 15 Minutes

    [Where was this when I needed it 2 years ago?][link] [link]: “Learn Lua in 15 Minutes”

  • Stop Watching Us

    >The revelations about the National Security Agency’s surveillance apparatus, if true, represent a stunning abuse of our basic rights. We demand the U.S. Congress reveal the full extent of the NSA’s spying programs. [Sign the letter to congress][link], follow them on [Twitter][twitter]. [link]: “Stop Watching Us | Stop Watching Us” [twitter]: “Stop Watching…

  • ScummVM Ported to Javascript

    [Day of the Tentacle, Maniac Mansion, LOOM, Indiana Jones, Monkey Island, all of the classics now playable in HTML5][link]. The audio is Firefox-only for now, but this is damned impressive. And cool. [link]: “HTML5 Day of the Tentacle”

  • Verizon forced to hand over telephone data

    [The Guardian:][link] >The US government is collecting the phone records of millions of US customers of Verizon under a top secret court order. Funny how government only uses the word “patriot” when they want to do something awful, isn’t it? [link]: “Verizon forced to hand over telephone data – full court ruling | World…

  • Timeline JS

    [Really slick timeline visualization that can pull in data from a Google Spreadsheet, Flickr, etc.][link] I plan on using this for some weird stuff. [link]: “Timeline JS – Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use.”