Year: 2013

  • W3C green-lights adding DRM to the Web’s standards

    [This is pretty close to the worst possible thing they could’ve done:][link] >Here’s the bad news: the World Wide Web Consortium is going ahead with its plan to add DRM to HTML5, setting the stage for browsers that are designed to disobey their owners and to keep secrets from them so they can’t be forced…

  • The Structure Sensor is the first 3D sensor for mobile devices

    So I joined [Occipital][occ] in February of this year after they put me under NDA and showed me [The Structure Sensor][str]. We launched [the Kickstarter campaign][ks] yesterday. $330k in under 24 hours. We’re beaming. I built [the website][str]. It’s responsive as hell. Pretty proud of it. Thanks to my new friends at [Mondo Robot][mondo] in…

  • Semantic UI

    [Yet another HTML/CSS/JS framework][link], but built so that the classes are understandable in english. It’ll create some HTML bloat, but it has a certain Applescript-y charm to it. The site is pretty snazzy, too. Very readable, very smooth. [link]: “Getting Started | Semantic UI”

  • Yahoo Files Suit Demanding Greater Accountability from the U.S. Government

    [I doubt it’ll do much good, but I’m really glad to see Yahoo! trying *something*.][link] [link]: “Yahoo Files Suit Demanding Greater Accountability from the U.S. Government | Yahoo Global Public Policy”

  • Schneier on Security: Our Newfound Fear of Risk

    [Bruce Schneier:][link] >We’re afraid of risk. It’s a normal part of life, but we’re increasingly unwilling to accept it at any level. So we turn to technology to protect us. The problem is that technological security measures aren’t free. They cost money, of course, but they cost other things as well. They often don’t provide…

  • WTF Visualizations

    [Sometimes public shaming is the only way to solve bad dataviz.][link] [link]: “WTF Visualizations”

  • New Zealand bans software patents

    >[A major new patent bill, passed in a 117-4 vote by New Zealand’s Parliament after five years of debate, has banned software patents.][link] This is great news for Kiwis. I really hope that their results inspire the similar movements in the US, UK, and elsewhere. [link]: “In historic vote, New Zealand bans software patents…

  • LICEcap

    [Awesome GPL app for making animated GIFs from sections of your screen.][link] Hokey smokes. (via [@waxpancake][waxy]) [link]: “Cockos Incorporated | LICEcap” [waxy]: “That’s Andy Baio to you”

  • Tridiv

    [A visual editor for creating 3D shapes with CSS. Damned impressive.][link] [link]: “Tridiv | CSS 3D Editor”

  • Macaw

    [The only visual HTML editor I’ve ever seen that looks legitimately useful, well-executed, and outputs good code.][link] Let’s see if they can deliver. [link]: “Macaw | The code-savvy web design tool.”

  • Walking Distance

    I was having trouble finding a copy of this online to post to Twitter today, so because I’m the kind of person who has mp3s of this stuff, I present it to you now: Rod Serling’s excellent outro for the 5th aired episode of The Twilight Zone, Walking Distance: Rod Serling Outro for Walking Distance…

  • CSS Zen Garden Relaunches

    [The old favorites are still there but the new example files are fully responsive.][link] [link]: “CSS Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design”