Year: 2014

  • obelisk.js

    [Obelisk.js is a JavaScript Engine for building isometric pixel objects.][link] … and it looks like a million bucks. This may have to be the basis for my life’s work: A modern remake of the SNES version of SimCity. (via [Jesper][jesp]) [link]: “nosir/obelisk.js on GitHub” [jesp]: “Waffle, Jesper’s blog”

  • Fund Brandon Boyer’s Cancer Treatment

    [GoFundMe link.][link] Boyer is, by all accounts, a good dude who means a lot to independent video games. He got badly fucked over by his insurance company. Let’s help him out. [link]: “Brandon Boyer Cancer Treatment Relief by Brandon Boyer – GoFundMe”

  • Introducing the ‘mozjpeg’ Project

    [Mozilla announces a quest to fully-optimize JPEG compression with their own open source encoder.][link] Snark: But why don’t they just contribute to [WebP][webp]? [link]: “Introducing the ‘mozjpeg’ Project | Mozilla Research” [webp]: “WebP – The Google Image Format”

  • CSS3 text-align-last

    [Short and to-the-point post on the Adobe Web Platform blog about a cool new proposed CSS3 property: text-align-last][link]. Finally, FINALLY, we can justify the last line of a paragraph tag. My god, it’s full of stars. [link]: “Improving your site’s visual details: CSS3 text-align-last | Web Platform Team Blog”

  • “How I Judge the Quality of Documentation in 30 Seconds”

    A quick-ish post buy Eric Holscher, of [Read the Docs][rtd]. [I agree with all of this, therefore I am linking to it.][link] tl;dr: Have a website, not a directory of text files. Use prose, not auto-generated bullshit. Use permalinks. Have the language and version # in your URLs. Keep docs keyed to version #s. [link]:…

  • CSS Performance metrics from the creator of Bootstrap

    [A reasonable, if unscientific, look at the performance of various common CSS methods][link], comparing things like Attribute .vs. Class-based selectors, box-sizing resets, floats .vs. flexbox .vs. inline-block, and a lot more. Love that someone took the time to do this so I don’t have to. [link]: “mdo/css-perf”

  • Float Labels with CSS

    [Slick technique that is worth looking into for many applications.][link] As someone who deals with a lot of form inputs both as a user and a designer, there are some useful ideas here. [link]: “Float Labels with CSS | CSS-Tricks”

  • tinytype – a table showing all of the available default system fonts across different mobile platforms

    [No surprise that Android has the fewest, with a grand total of FOUR.][link] [link]: “tinytype”

  • Blur and Bleed: Running Games on a TV

    [Mattias Gustavsson is working on a hell of a good CRT filter][link]: >Don’t think it is your mind playing tricks on you. In some ways, things DID look better back in the days. When hooked up to old worn-down TV’s with yesteryears technology, usually by means of a coaxial cable, the video output of the…

  • Override global .gitconfig

    If you work for an organization with their own internal Git server and need to override your global .gitconfig info for name or email, this snippet will work if put in the .git/config of each repo you need to override that setting on: [user] name = Your Name email =

  • Twitter Breaks Rank, Threatens to Fight NSA Gag Orders

    [Good on them][link]: >Twitter threatened to launch a legal battle with the Obama administration on Thursday over gag orders that prevent it from disclosing information about surveillance of its users. > >The statement puts Twitter at odds with other technology giants including Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Facebook, who all struck a deal with the government…

  • The Day We Fight Back – February 11th 2014

    [February 11th is a unified day of internet action][link]. From the site: >DEAR USERS OF THE INTERNET, > >In January 2012 we defeated the SOPA and PIPA censorship legislation with the largest Internet protest in history. Today we face another critical threat, one that again undermines the Internet and the notion that any of us…