Year: 2017

  • The Simpsons’ Planet of the Apes Musical: An Oral History

    [I love you, Dr. Zauis][link]. [link]: “The Simpsons’ Planet of the Apes Musical: An Oral History”

  • Wreddit loves Rassler

    Yesterday [I posted my game, Rassler, to the pro wrestling subreddit /r/SquaredCircle][link]. They love it? It seems like they love it. I don’t know how to handle feedback this positive. [link]: “/r/SquaredCircle thread”

  • The Bone Mother

    Amazon’s shipping robot has informed me that David Demchuk’s book, [The Bone Mother][pub], has shipped. I’m looking forward to it: >Three neighboring villages on the Ukrainian/Romanian border are the final refuge for the last of the mythical creatures of Eastern Europe. Now, on the eve of the war that may eradicate their kind—and with the…

  • Latest experiments reveal AI is still terrible at naming paint colors

    Such classics as Bleedwood, Spiced Rope, Bull Cream, Dorky Brown, Drimple, and Dad. [Many more at the link][link]. [link]: “Latest experiments reveal AI is still terrible at naming paint colors | Ars Technica”

  • TransProse

    [Creating music from text][link]: >Using natural language processing, TransProse reads in text and determines densities of eight different emotions (joy, sadness, anger, disgust, anticipation, surprise, trust, and fear) and two different states (positive or negative) throughout the novel. The musical piece chronologically follows the novel. It uses the emotion density data to determine the tempo,…

  • Matt Gemmell on the iPad and It’s Failures as a “Laptop Replacement”

    >[So you want to potentially not use a laptop anymore, but you also want a computer that does all the same things as a laptop, in pretty much the same way. In which case, I think the computer you’re looking for _is a laptop_.][link] Incredible burn on every tech journalist who has written this. [link]:…

  • Hacker Behind Massive Ransomware Outbreak Can’t Get Emails from Victims Who Paid

    A very modern situation: [Company does spin control without considering the ramifications, ends up screwing over the already victimized][link2]: A German email provider has closed the account of a hacker behind the new ransomware outbreak, meaning victims can’t get decryption keys. The exploit, unofficially named Petya, [uses the same vector as WannaCry][link]. [link2]: “Hacker…

  • Kill sticky headers

    Like most web trends intended to increase “engagement” (nobody knows what this actually means), sticky bars are overused and poorly used. [Kill ’em all with this bookmarklet.][link] [link]: “Kill sticky headers”

  • Radio Garden

    [Point at a spot on the globe, and hear their radio.][link] [link]: “Radio Garden – West End Radio”

  • A beginner’s guide to Dungeon Synth

    [Dirge magazine][link]: >What I Like About Dungeon Synth is, primarily, the music and the wide range of emotions it encompasses; the bombast and the subtlety, the melancholy and the fury, the epic and the transient. It blends genres that are dear to my heart, from medieval airs to black metal malevolence, into something that is…

  • ‘GLOW’ Is the Past and the Future of Women’s Wrestling

    [An excellent review and historical contextualizing][link] of Netflix’s new Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling show, by Mairead Small Staid for the Ringer. [link]: “‘GLOW’ Is the Past and the Future of Women’s Wrestling”

  • Police Drag Wheelchair-bound Protestors From Mitch McConnell’s Office

    Police drag away protesters, some in wheelchairs, outside of Sen. McConnell's office after draft of Senate health care bill is revealed — NBC News (@NBCNews) June 22, 2017 Republicans: The party of cruelty.