Author: Phil Nelson

  • F*****M From Porn

    [WFMU’s Benjamen Walker on Apple’s terrible text auto-censorship][link] in iTunes. [link]: “F•••••M From Porn – WFMU’s Beware of the Blog”

  • Ars Technia on Indie Filmmakers’ P2P Lawsuits

    [It’s not just for the MPAA anymore.][link] Lots of these films probably made more from the lawsuits than they did in the theater. [link]: “The RIAA? Amateurs. Heres how you sue 14,000+ P2P users”

  • Proper Fucking Booming

    [A diary from a Daily Kos user and boomer][link], the basics of one of the myriad things that BP fucked up on the Gulf spill. [link]: “Daily Kos: State of the Nation”

  • Smokescreen: a Flash player in JavaScript

    [Very impressive.][link] If I were Adobe I’d be contributing to this project right now. [link]: “Smokescreen demo: a Flash player in JavaScript”

  • Wikipedia Is Broken In

    I’m not sure if this is due to [Wikipedia’s new skin][skin] (with the “usability” enhancements), some other MediaWiki update, or if the problem is on Apple’s end (*Update*: [It is a problem with Wikipedia’s new skin][fix]), but this is another good example of why Apple doesn’t want to rely on third-party vendors for anything. [skin]:…

  • 100 Rogues

    [A great-looking roguelike developed from the ground-up for the iPhone][link]. [link]: “100 Rogues | An Arcade-Style Role Playing Game for iPhone & iPod Touch”

  • Tynt, the Copy/Paste Jerks

    [John Gruber provides a helpful method for blocking those super-annoying copy/paste shenanigans][link] that append the “Read More” links to everything you copy from sites like The New Yorker and TechCrunch. [link]: “Daring Fireball: Tynt, the Copy/Paste Jerks”

  • OpenPandora: “The most powerful gaming handheld there is.”

    [I’m sure your specs are great, but what a pooch][link]. Looks extremely unwieldy and chunky. It looks like it was designed by the same group as [the WarMouse (formerly known as OpenOffice Mouse)][mouse]. [link]: “OpenPandora” [mouse]: “WarMouse”

  • Warner Bros. Sued for Pirating Anti-Piracy Technology

    [From the Do-As-I-Say Department][link]: >Warner Bros. has been sued by a German technology firm which claims the movie and television production company pirated its anti-piracy technology. I can only assume that anyone at Warner Bros HQ will be no longer allowed to connect to the internet for any purpose, right? That’s what they want to…

  • Pabst Brewing Co. Purchased For $250 Million

    [By investor C. Dean Metropoulos][link], famous in food-circles for managing Chef Boyardee, Duncan Hines and Ghirardelli Chocolates. Here’s to hoping he doesn’t fuck it up. [link]: “Woodridge-based Pabst Brewing to get new owner – Chicago Breaking Business”

  • A Collection of Bowling Alley Scoreboards

    [I can smell the shoe-refresher and Miller Lite from here][link]. Smells like home. via [Andy Baio][andy], and I noticed that the site uses [la petite url][la] for short urls. Sold! [link]: “World Famous Design Junkies » 1,000 Screens, 1,000 Dreams” [la]: “la petite url” [andy]: “Waxy dot org”

  • Web Development Thought For The Day

    It is 2010. If you have a mailing list and every message does not include a one-click unsubscribe link, you are either lazy or an asshole.