Google strong-arms indie musicians into accepting brutal, crowdfunding-killing deal for streaming service

[A strong but honest headline about Googe’s new bullshit:][link]

>* Participation in the new service requires that your entire catalog be available for streaming, at high resolution.
>* Participation requires that you not release your music elsewhere earlier, e.g., no early releases for fans or backers.
>* You no longer get a choice of whether to do nothing, block a video, or run ads. Ads are mandatory.
>* Five year contract.
>* If you don’t participate in the new service, then the option to obtain Content-ID ad revenue from the free version of Youtube no longer exists.
>* If you had previously been getting Content-ID ad revenue and choose not to participate in the new service, your channel will be deleted and all videos using your music will be blocked.

These are all non-negotiable and mandatory, btw.

[link]: “Google strong-arms indie musicians into accepting brutal, crowdfunding-killing deal for streaming service – Boing Boing”