Month: November 2009

  • The EFF Needs Your Help To Bust A Patent on Podcasting

    [A company called Volomedia was just granted a patent on “a method for providing episodic media.” and the EFF is tackling it.][link] It walks like bullshit, talks like bullshit, and smells a whole lot like bullshit. The EFF is looking for examples of prior art (Prior to 19 November 2003). [link]: “EFF Tackles Bogus…

  • Chrome OS User Experience

    [Sketched and screenshotted examples of what the Chrome OS (the open source project is called Chromium) is going to look like][link]. The goal is a noble one: An OS that boots super fast (under 10 seconds), gives you instant access to a modern web browser (WebKit) and gets the hell out of your way. I…

  • Rocky and Bullwinkle mark 50 years

    [Happy birthday to Rocky and his Friends][link]. If I’m funny, there are two reasons: My mom, and Rocky & Bullwinkle. I guess that is three, but the moose & squirrel are a team. [link]: “Rocky and Bullwinkle mark 50 years – JSOnline”

  • A Review of Print on Demand Printing Houses

    [A comparison of three major POD places][link] ([][lulu], [][blurb] & [][adorama]), with helpful video of the finished products. via [@templesmith][ben]. [link]: “Adorama, Blurb & Lulu – Book Printing Review” [ben]: “Ben Templesmith” [lulu]: “Lulu” [blurb]: “Blurb” [adorama]: “Adorama”

  • AT&T’s Morale Problem

    [I’m sure the sentiment is more widespread than this one rep][link]. *Update*: [AT&T says it’s a hoax][hoax], and they’re probably right. Consumerist gets it, though: it doesn’t matter if it’s “true” or not. It felt true, and that speaks volumes about AT&T’s business and culture. [link]: “Transcripts: A&T Rep Wants To Die” [hoax]:…

  • ‘I’m going to tell my son the worst swearword in the world’

    >[My eight-year-old son, Joel, comes into my office to ask if there’s a worse swearword than fuck. “No,” I say.][link] > >There’s a silence. “You’re lying,” he says. > >”There’s none worse than fuck,” I say. > >Joel narrows his eyes. “I know you’re lying,” he says. He leaves the room. With a setup like…

  • Arcade Solitaire: TriTowers from endloop

    My friends at [endloop][end] have released [a new solitaire game for your iPhone and iPod Touch][link]. It is $0.99 for the next 48 hours, and worth every penny. [link]: “TriTowers” [end]: “endloop”

  • ‘We Like Lists Because We Don’t Want to Die’

    [Umberto Eco on his new exhibition in the Louvre][link]. >The list is the origin of culture. It’s part of the history of art and literature. What does culture want? To make infinity comprehensible. It also wants to create order — not always, but often. [link]:,1518,659577,00.html “SPIEGEL Interview with Umberto Eco: ‘We Like Lists Because…

  • Emptees Free Mock-Up Kit Vol. 2

    [Very useful to me in an upcoming project][link]. [link]: “Emptees – Talk – FREE MOCK UP KIT VOL2!”

  • Edward Woodward (1930 – 2009)

    [BBC News has the standard obit][link] covered, for a less formal take, see British filmmaker [Edgar Wright’s tribute][edgar]. I used to watch [The Equalizer][equal] all the time in reruns at a kid, and [the Wicker Man][wicker] is one of my favorite films, and one of the best British horror films ever. Nobody had a poker…

  • “Bloody” Brock Samson Skin for Torchlight

    [A free download][link]. Continuing Extra Future’s cataloging of [fan-made Venture Bros game mods][second]. [link]: “Runic Games • View topic – [SKIN] Bloody Samson” [second]: “Venture family for the Sims 3”

  • Usability Question du Jour

    Say I’m building a website that deals with data from other websites (social and professional networks, etc), and I want users to be able to enter in their existing profile info into of the application. I can’t just ask for their current username (e.g. ``), because some of these websites do not have very friendly…